United States Apnea Association is now USA Freediving!
Visit their official website - www.USAFreediving.com
(you are currently on an old version of the site that has not been updated for a long time and is only working to inform you about the organization's web address change!)
Welcome to the USA FreedivingWe are happy that you have found us! Allow us to become a part of your freedive-related endeavors by taking the time to visit the different sections of the USA Freediving website. We have a variety of information available for you and even more to come. Check back frequently for new and exciting information, links, and photos!
If you haven’t already, we hope you will join our organization and experience being a part of a member community that enjoys all types of freediving sports. Membership offers you additional benefits such as voting, participation in group forums, opportunities to get involved in USA Freediving events (including competitions), finding dive buddies, and of course, supporting United States freediving and freedivers!
As you navigate our site, should you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please visit the USA Freediving information pages for contact information and get in touch with one of our Board Members. We are pleased to be of service to you.
Checkout our Facebook and other social media pages.
US Freediving Facebook Page
US Freediving Google + Page
USA Freediving Team Page
USAA Merchandise <click here and check it out
Previous Event Reports <<<Here

Ted Hardy ascends during a Constant No Fins dive at DejaBlueV enroute to victory with the overall title.
NEW US Men's National Record!!!

John Hullverson sets a new US Men's National Record in Dynamic No Fins with a swim of 142 meters in two minutes and thirty-two seconds at DejaBlueV in Grand Cayman. John is a relative new comers to freediving and this record is one of many in his future.

On November 17, 2013, Nick Mevoli, USA Freediving athlete and our friend passed away during a competition freedive.
Latest News Related to the incident
Men's Journal article http://www.mensjournal.com/magazine/free-diving-turns-fatal-20140117
Previous Press on Nick (Click)

TEAM USA at the AIDA TEAM World Championships in Nice, France 2012

Freediving is a great time. Come try it out. Photo courtesy Courtney Platt. www.courtneyplatt.com